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Barleyhurst Park Primary School

4.6 ( 5136 ratings )
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We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Barleyhurst Park Primary school. We are a warm and welcoming school with high expectations for all our children and staff. Our school provides a positive learning environment and wonderful facilities that are engaging and inspiring. Central to our vision and values is the aspiration of ‘Unlocking potential’ for all, this is a vision that we are proud of and strive to achieve in everything that we do. We provide a rich and varied learning experience through high quality teaching and a stimulating program of extracurricular activities and visits. When our children leave us to begin their journey into secondary school they are independent confident learners who strive to do their best and reach their full potential. We recognise that a positive partnership between home and school enables us to work together to ensure that our children progress well and achieve highly, we therefore communicate regularly with parents and guardians. This website is just one form of our communication and is therefore updated frequently. Please log on regularly to read the latest news about our school and to share our successes. Mrs Wendy Smith

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